All the best to all UMS students in their exam. Whether you are in your first year or final year, the exams are equally important. Not just for the sake of the exam itself, but also for your self achievement. Learning new subjects through out the semester, not it’s time for you to reflect all the knowledge that you have picked along the way.
Please be smart in answering your exam. For me, I prefer in point-form, written-nicely and write in your language instead of the language-of-the-notes.
Come earlier. Make sure you come at least half an hour before the exam start. Be calm. Recite Al-Fatihah as much as you can. InsyaAllah it will help you to keep calm. Too nervous will sometime chase away the points in your head.
Doa. After all the effort that you have put in, tawakkal and doa are important. For Allah is the only one we turn to.
Write down all the important point or formula before you start answering the questions.
At the moment that’s all I can think of. Bah, jawab baik-baik ya. To my students, thank for the opportunity to share the knowledge with you. There are a lot more the share, but I think it is enough for you to start off for your future undertakings. Saya halalkan apa-apa ilmu yang telah kita kongsikan. Wish you the best in whatever you do. ;)