Monday, June 25, 2007

On Maternity Leave

It is almost 8 weeks since I am on my maternity leave. Thanks to our gov. we can enjoy maternity leave with full pay. Alhamdulillah. To be frank, it feels good to wake up in the morning and don't have to rush to go to the office, wait for the baby to wake up and have his bath. At the moment he is sleeping beside me and he is smiling in his deep sleep. How I wish I can be work-from-home-mum.

This morning I open my email, and found out this one email asking me to open the exam for CCNA. I almost forgotten! I have promised my student to open the exam every friday. For those student who are taking CCNA sem 2, pls check the website coz I have activated the exam for this whole week.

Besides, I'm taking my precious time to have a look on my x-student's pages : tagged, friendster; just to have an idea how their life after uni. Not very successful though - they rarely talk about their life. They also must be very busy with things they do now, i guess.

Waah.. panjang plak crita sia kali ni... well have a look on my newest son Muhammad Danial b Mohd Ehram. Enjoy, have a nice day!

1 comment:

Maz Al Eidrus said...

Mate, i am happy for you... hugs and kisses...