Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I've Done It!

Surprisingly, it turns out to be ok. I started with a simple 'good morning' in different languages and in Kadazan (Kotobian Doungosuvab). As Bee suggested, confidence and feeling comfortable is very important. Therefore, I tried to calm myself, telling to myself that everything will be ok, just imagine the audience were my students. And it works!

Night before, I googled "How to introduce speaker" and found various helpful links. I learn that introducing the speakers in the right way is essential to make sure the audience know what to expect. Not only that, the chairperson need to highlight the creadibility of the speaker so that the audience will be motivated to follow and listen to his presentation. Based on the examples and do-and-don'ts from the net, I wrote my own script, practice and recite it over and over again.

As most of the advices suggested that I found on the Internet, I arrived early at the venue. Search for the protocol people and talked to the emcee, found out that he is one of my friend. I asked for the list of guest of honour, plan the flow of the activities, when to summarize the presentation, open the Q&A session, etc.

After I gain my confidence, slowly I added some jokes that I had in mind. Even I borrow the Obama's joke, and they liked it! (Later I'll share the jokes)

At the end, I think I enjoyed the whole process. Although, I really feel the nervousness rush to my body.

But if you ask me another time to do it again, I will try my best to ......avoid it! Hehehe...


Anonymous said...

Glad you made it through the whole ordeal in one piece. That wasn't so bad, was it?

Misako said...

hahaha.. yeah.. not bad.. tapi tidak sanggup lagi saya mo go through it..

Maz Al Eidrus said...

congrates mate... you have always been good at public speaking what? me yang bengong sikit kalau suruh berdiri di depan kasik speech ka apa ka... maunya pengsan...