Monday, November 10, 2008

Part time student

Last Saturday was the last class for PLUMS student. That means I won't have the opportunity to meet the "Megamall bergerak" anymore. It was a nice and interesting experience teaching this batch of students. They are from different background, most of them are teachers and some from the hospital. I respect those who are able to give their time to study and work at the same time. It's not easy u know. Just imagine, they need to go to work during weekdays and go to class during weekends. Especially for the mums, leaving their kids at home for 7 days a week! What a sacrifice... demi menimba ilmu pengetahuan, banyak perkara yang perlu diketepikan. Semoga segala usaha dan pengorbanan anda sekalian akan mendapat manfaat yang sewajarnya.

However, we forgot to take picture, kan.. maybe somebody from the class can send me your class pics and I can post it here.

Lastly, wish u all the best!

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