Wednesday, July 02, 2008

New Students, New Semester

It has been quite sometime since I updated this blog. Been very busy as usual. I have finished the PTK last May. Went to Langkawi for conference 9th June - Knowledge Management International Conference 2008 in short KMICE 08. Met kak Rohaida from my undergraduate class. She is a lecturer at UUM now. Luckily she rented a car and brought me ronda2 Langkawi. Visit the LI students right after the conference. Late June - Moving to a new room (previously Kak Salina's room). After that, very occupied with several meeting with Pusat Luar UMS, representing Yati whom went to India for Infosys. Entering marks to the system, checking for graduation status, final year project presentation etc. Last week, Cisco QA has came to check the Cisco implementation status in UMS. The dean has agreed to continue the program and also waiting for the paperwork to get some money to send us to training.

And now, actually tomorrow, we have a ceremony with the freshies - Aku Janji. Then, meeting the new students for some introduction to the School of Engineering and Information Technology (shall we call Computer Science instead of IT?) Next week, the new semester will begin. Will be teaching Data Communication and Multimedia System this semester.

Half of the year has gone. One of my resolution is to get some preparation done for my PhD things. But until now, have yet to decide which field to pursue. Am waiting for our Pn. Shaliza to come back and really need a discussion with her on research opportunity in computer network. Lau, Liawas, Kamel went to UK. Khairul went to Japan. I heard Maizura (Melbourne) and Mazlina to UKM this end of year. Me? Still lots of issues to think of.

Oklah.. may this semester will be an interesting one. And I am looking forward to get my PTK result. Harap2 lah lepas..

To my students, welcome back!


Linachu said...

Good to read an update about good ol SKTM. How are you, my dear?? Missing our teh tarik sessions... have a new, bigger office..hurrah! Take care you

Misako said...

ya.. bila mo p minum teh tarik ni? just give me a buzz.. ;)