Next time I will only put beberapa ketul soalan for the exam. I learnt my lesson, if too many questions, sendiri yg mo mati marking.
I receive several love letters from the student..this is one of them..
I will have a break for today, before I can continue for PLUMS punya exam paper pulak. But that one is easier, not so many students.
After that, I need to fill in the form pulak. What I have achieve throught the year, ya? Seems like not much activity yg boleh memberikan markah yg tinggi.. no khidmat masyarakat at all. I dont want to get zero marks for that part. I will think hard.. bongkar semua surat2 and memo2 mana tau ada yang bulih d kasi masuk. I don't know about my other collegue, but this is definitely not my favourite excercise, at all. When you have to think, calculate, how many marks would u put for your own accessment. Kalau banyak sangat.. mcm minta puji dan syok sendiri.. kalau sikit betul, nanti gagal kena mengadap org yg duduk nuun di kayangan pulak. Ish..ish..ish..
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