Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Menghampiri di penghujung April. Penghujung semester. Penghujung umur yang ke-tuuut!

Tiada yang istimewa, cuma teringatkan satu situasi yang menyebabkan Misako macam mo sawan sebentar. Suatu hari, seorang pelajar mengetuk pintu dan selamba masuk dan memberikan soalan yang membebankan benak dan perasaan. Misako tanya, “what can I do for you?”. Pelajar A jawab, “I want to get more details on the TIPS for the final exam”.

Terkelu seketika. Ini bukan kali pertama pelajar ini mengikuti kelas Misako. Tidakkah dia masih tidak tahu yang Misako tidak sekali-kali memberikan tips di luar kelas? Lagi pun, Misako sudah pun bincang pasal bab-bab yang perlu ditekankan untuk final exam dia akhir kelas. Siap Misako tanya lagi sama ada ada soalan atau tidak. Semuanya diam membatu (seperti biasa). Misako ulang lagi dan nyatakan “Ok, if you don’t ask now, then don’t expects me to answer your questions regarding final exam after this.”

Misako tenung mata pelajar tu dalam-dalam.

Misako : I don’t remember. Besides, we have already discuss about this in the class. Didn’t you attend the class?

Pelajar : Yes ma’am, but I need more detail information on the chapter that will come out in the exam.

Misako : Sorry, I don’t remember. You don’t want me to give you false information, do you? Ask your friend.

Kepada semua student Misako, selamat maju jaya. InsyaAllah, cikgu Misako halalkan segala ilmu dan pengetahuan yang kita kongsikan bersama selama kamu berada di Uni. Jadilah insan yang berguna. All the best!

with x-student DSC01003

Gambar2 hiasan

Friday, April 23, 2010

Wayang Free

It was a good opportunity when I was invited to be one of the AJK of a Viva Voce. Although it was not my area of expertise, I force myself to attend it. I was really a good experience, I learn a lot.

Some points that I get from the exercise:

  • Writing your PhD thesis is a very, very serious job. The English writing skills is a MUST.
  • Need to cite all the related research and justify why it is relevant to your study.
  • All definition, terms, keywords must be clearly elaborated.
  • All results of experiment must be supported with strong justification and relate to the theory.
  • Do not use ambigous term like, very excellent, very efficient, not so robust, etc. Need to compare it to a certain standard such e.g. It is very efficient theorem because the average delay is 20 ms, which is.. bla..bla..bla..

Like Dr. R, said.. it was a wayang free for me to prepare me for my Viva voce, one day. 

Thursday, April 15, 2010



Also known as electronic learning. But the implementation should not replace the traditional teaching and learning process, for me lah. Wanted to say something about e-Learning not only because just came back from a meeting about e-Learning, but also because it is the combination of my two passion: computer and learning.

“Early E-Learning systems, based on Computer-Based Learning/Training often attempted to replicate autocratic teaching styles whereby the role of the e-learning system was assumed to be for transferring knowledge, as opposed to systems developed later based on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), which encouraged the shared development of knowledge.” –wikipedia.

Do you really believe on e-learning? What I mean is, do you believe that this e-learning thingy could work? Can learners learn through an online medium? Particularly on their own. There are alot of online learning product coming in to the market. Although it has its own users, but some still do not believe on it. They would prefer a one-to-one teaching instead, which I found cannot be replaced by the computer 100%. However, for me, we should provide an alternative platform especial for the youngsters to get the benefit of the Internet. Not only for the entertainment, but also for the educational purpose.

There are a lot of hassle in order to make e-learning really work. I already experienced them for almost 10 years. And still, it is still in my heart and thinking of pursuing my research and study into it, no  matter what others will say. For me, passion is the most important thing. At the end, it’s passion that will drive you to your goal.

danial makan2 with student the ultramen above the cloud

Gambar2 hiasan..

Thursday, April 08, 2010


April datang lagi. Wah, sudah 1/3 tahun berlalu. Semester pun sudah sampai ke penghujungnya. Nampaknya kena bekerja lebih tekun lagi untuk mencapai apa yang telah dirancang. Setakat ini, sangat berpuas hati dengan perkembangan sasaran kerja. Beberapa kertas kerja telah ditulis dan dihantar ke panel editor persidangan. Dua telah diterima, syukur Alhamdulillah.

Episod Gembira

Perasaan gembira sebab dapat Gangsa dalam pameran rekacipta masih lagi berbunga-bunga di hati. Hari ini kami akan meraikan kejayaan kecil kami sambil merancang rencana untuk langkah-langkah penyelidikan akan datang. Ianya amat membuka mata dan memberi motivasi kepada kami. Sekurang-kurangnya, minat kami dalam bidang pendidikan tidak sia-sia, walaupun kami adalah dari golongan ‘computer scientist’.

Saya asyik menyebut ‘kami’. Kami bermaksud, kumpulan penyelidik yang mempunyai minat yang sama. Tidak kira lah dari segi bidang penyelidikan, hobi mengumpul tupperware, rakan seperjuangan semasa makan-makan, mahupun semasa bersukan. Saya rasa bertuah mempunyai rakan-rakan sedemikian dalam kerjaya yang mencabar ini. Mencabar? Iya, mencabar bagi saya.

kursus Linuxbengkel dokumentasi MQA makan2 sempena konvo bekas2 pelajar

gambar hiasan


Episod Terkilan

Semalam, dengan terus terang saya menyatakan bahawa saya amat kecewa terhadap beberapa orang pelajar yang telah lambat menghantar tugasan dan demo projek mereka. Mungkin ada sekelumit rasa hormat terhadap cikgu mereka ini, namun saya rasa sedikit terkesima dengan sikap mereka yang tidak ambil kisah. Ya saya tahu, pelajar memang suka buat kerja saat akhir. Ia amat diakui (secara terbuka) oleh kebanyakan pelajar. Amat terkilan apabila tempoh masa tambahan diberikan dan pelajar-pelajar mengambil peluang tersebut untuk BARU memulakan tugasan yang telah diberi lebih sebulan yang lalu. Hasilnya, pasti dapat dikesan apabila mereka menyampaikannya (present) kerja semalaman yang sepatutnya dibuat selama untuk satu bulan.

Jangan disimpan di dalam hati, kita ni professional. Ujar seorang rakan. Ya, saya akan sentiasa bersikap professional. Jangan bimbang, wahai pelajar, ianya hanya melibatkan 10% daripada markah keseluruhan. Saya pun sudah memaafkan kealpaan mereka. Saya doakan semua pelajar saya berjaya di masa hadapan.


Thursday, April 01, 2010

Teh Tarik Session

It has been quite some time since the last time we have the teh-tarik-session, kan Az. And as usual, it always a nice catching-up with my dear friend. Breakfast is an important routine for me and normally it will makes a good start for my day, especially when it is spent with your good friend.

Always looking forward for this session because this is the time where we will update each other on what’s going on with life, and kids. Sharing experiences, daily encounter, ideas, future plans and all the positive things. Life always a wonderful journey when you are surrounded by nice friends like mine. At least it opened another door to another option on how you want to picture your future.

Hope to get the opportunity to catch ups with my other long-lost friend.