Thursday, February 12, 2009


As usual, when I reached King Fisher it already jammed. After sending my boys to their playschool, drive back to the office. Suddenly I heard a bang and momentum from the back. Oh my god! Ada kereta di belakang langgar kancilku. Look at my back mirror, it is a wira. At first, I was shocked. Stay in my car for a few second, thinking on what should I do. Then I saw that driver get off his car and checking my car. I get out and dengan selambanya dia kata "Oooh.. tiada apa2 jugak".

Me : Kenapa you langgar saya?!
Mr X : Sorry..sorry... tiada rosak juga
Me : Ya lah, mana boleh langgar org. Give me your phone number! (What am I thinking.. mo buat apa tu phone no.?)
Mr X : 012...
Me : No need lah, give me your name card.
Mr X : Ok, ada..ada..
Me : U drive hati2 lah, nasib baik baby saya tiada dlm kereta. Kalau ada anak2 mesti diorang takut..
Mr X : Ok..ok..

Luckily, nothing happen to my dear Kancil. Only a small accident, only a little scratch. But, I was really shocked with the impact. Tu baru accident yg kecil2... Ya, Allah syukurlah tiada apa2.


Anonymous said...

Nmpk status d twitter td.

Huhu, sib baik xdak apa2, baguslah~ tambah jam jln pastu XD

Misako said...

ha'ah.. tapi kejap jak.. malas mo kasi panjang2 crita..

Anonymous said...

from my xp la kan mdm, bagi no acct bank mdm je dgn org tu, let he decide.

p/s- the guyz hit my car (long time ago) bankin me RM300 to my acct :)

Misako said...

andy, thanks for your info. That's new to me. Napalah x terpikir tadi..

Mohammad Saifuddin said...

"I don't accept cash ya..If you want to pay, just send to my PayPal account. Oh, alternatively you can bought me something from my Amazon wish list."

zaman moden. luckily teda apa2. my first experience xcident, i blame orang yang saya langgar, walaupun saya punya salah. kui..kui..kui..

Misako said...

hahaha saifuddin, good idea. So you want to belanja me some of ur paypal? Typical malaysian driver, blame others for our fault...kekeke

:::jillian de jill::: said...

ge ge ge... takut je bila baca.. saya ni mmg penakut.. nampak je berani...

belajar kete pun tak lepas lagi...

amik test ngan QTI failed... ge ge ge

pernah jugak accident masa belajar.. ge ge ge... kemek kete cikgu... ha ha ha bukan salah saya... salah org itu...

dia rasa saya may be lambat gerak.. so dia potong dan belok ke kanan, tp dia hentam saya... huhu.. sah sah L besar gedabak..

Linachu said...

luckily you and your car ok..and no kids with you that time..

Happened to me also last time dekat bulatan YS. Dia ingat saya mau jalan terus, padahal ada kereta dari arah YS so I stopped..and bammm..kuat juga dia langgar. I was in shock too like you..dunno what to do..My plate number pecah sudah di jalanraya tu..and dia boleh cakap, 'murah saja tu mau ganti plate number tu..' doiii I also cannot think of what to do that i said ok saja la..sekali balik rumah, bukak boot..then cannot tutup balik cos ada bengkok sudah..cisss..i was angry i didnt get the guy's number...