Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Chicken Pox

For the last 1 month, I have to deal with the chicken pox. Started with Nurul last month, and after she recover.. just after we get back from Sandakan, Danish took the turn. We gave him young coconut juice (air kelapa muda bah) as many people claim it will make the recovering stage faster. Alhamdulillah, just before we went to KL he had recovered. Although the scar were still can be spotted, but he is 100% ready for the trip.

Two days before we went back to KK, while changing Danial I saw some spots on his body. Alamak.. it was eventually Danial turns to kena. Luckily I brought the medicine. Apply the calamine lotion to reduce the itchiness and gave him ubat demam. So, not much jalan2 coz he is not feeling well and meragam.

It was quite a challenge when we were on the flight to KK. He keep crying and throwing all his tantraum. I am relieved when he fall asleep just before the meal came. He woke up 20 minutes to landing and continue his tebiat. Ndak tau lah apa org sebelah menyebelah cakap.. He was crying and crying. Kesian at the same time geram! I manage to calm him down showing his favourite cartoon on the screen - Upin dan Ipin.

Currently, I am on leave. Taking care dear Danial. He is recovering but the spots are so many. Especially on his face and his body. Kesian betul tinguk dia. Do you have any tips how to make the scar dissapear?


Maz Al Eidrus said...

mate, aku dulu kena soon before final year project presentation... selalu minum air kelapa to cool off the body, sbb kepanasan tu buatkan lagi gatal. bila dah tanggal dia punya nanah tu, kasi mandi, and lumur dgn daun cermai (ditumbuk halus), also to cool off and hilangkan kesan hitam2 tu. nak ilangkan scar, beli vitamin e oil di pharmacy, lagi tinggi IU lagi mahalla tapi, but it really berkesan on me. aku balik dr cuti 2 minggu, ramai nda percaya baru kena chicken pox... so, trylah, and hopefully menjadi. and satu lagi... JANGAN GARU - penting ni!!! budak kecik lagi senang ilangkan scar tu, tapi kita la yang kena consistent...

AtieAbid said...

alahai..siannya c kecik mdm..
harap2 dia sembuh cepat and scar tu cepat hilang..

CikSengal said...

orang tua2 kata jangan bagi makan kicap.. kalau tak, susah nak hilang parut..

Mimi said...

my daughter has skin prob. bila kena gigit nyamuk, memang terus jadi kudis and tinggal scar mcm chicken pox tu. suda jumpa a few doctors and semua pun ckp cannot do anything about it bcos itu allergic. they also said, dun worry about the scar. lama2 pandai hilang sendiri juga tu... put lotion with vit-e pun berkesan juga rasanya...

Misako said...

tqvm for the advices.. stakat ni ada memang pantang makan kicap, kasi minum air kelapa.. tapi bab garu2 tu yg paling mencabar.. budak 2 thn ni susah sikit mo ikut cakap.. dia bantai garu jak.. nanti mo dibeli lotion with vit e. tunggu kering sikit lagi..