Thursday, February 05, 2009

Kasih Sayang adalah Keperluan Bersama

Every Thursday I have class at the library. At the 1Mega Lab, to be exact. I like the environment in the library, coz with different setting of classroom, you can see different kind of attention (to your lecture) given from your students. I found that they are quite interactive and paying more attention in this class.

outside library
  1. On the way to the library I saw an expo at the parking space - Expo Produk Halal. The interesting part is the theme - kasih sayang adalah keperluan bersama! Nice slogan.. :D
  2. After class, went to the unit media to install some software, but already lunch hour.. so nobody's there to entertain me.
  3. Luckily bump into Farah n Pipah, went to have lunch with them. Did not bring my purse, so they need to belanja me lah! (Len kali .. pura2 lupa bawa purse lagi..kekeke) So, next time will be my treat kawan!
  4. Renew my library member barcode. The old one sudah tertanggal, ndak tau mana. The admin assistant said I never borrowed any book since I were in UMS. That's weird, because although I am not a 'library' person, but I did borrow some (banyak lah juga) books. Hmm.. macam mana lah tu database tidak detect my history.. nasib baik lah tiada denda yg belum dilunaskan.
  5. That's all for this visit. Next week when I have class on Thursday, need to remind me to bring my purse. My turn to blanja!
when is the last time you turn the page of a real dictionary?

Psst -> Anwar said "Give mandate back to the people". Tapi kalau BN lompat to Pakatan Rakyat, ok pulak bagi dia.. dunia.. dunia... (sambil geleng kepala) I am not Pro to any party. I really hope we are going forward instead of gaduh2 pasal siapa yg berkuasa. Banya perkara lain yg lebih penting utk diselesaikan, like the down turn of economy, unemployment, isu perpaduan antara kaum, etc.

Misako is signing out.. for today.


Mohammad Saifuddin said...

anwar lari pi Perak..kes liwat dia biarkan saja di KL..hehehe~

nizar cakap semalam sama tadi siang, "saya akan patuh sepenuhnya titah sultan..", tapi sampai sekarang (waktu penulisan ni), walaupun sudah disuruh letak jawatan olen sultan perak, dia masih degil nda mau tinggalkan pangkatnya..hehehe~

bila nasarudin bota lompat, anwar suka..tiada sorang pun dari pakatan yang bising-bising..tapi bila adun pakatan keluar parti (KELUAR, bukan join BN pun), nik aziz tiba-tiba muncul n mau baling kasut, tian chua tiba-tiba muncul macam magik david copperfield dan bising-bising, si ngeh pula sibuk mau saman spr..


orang cakap, najib main dam aji..dia biar satu kena makan dulu (umpan), pastu dia makan 4 sekali..kui..kui..kui..

Linachu said...

I love the library..any library.. the ums one is nice cos it's so huge and peaceful...

no comment on the politics..

Telipok said...

..hmm..pemerhati politik jg brother kita ni..

yup az, i also like the ums library walaupun jarang2 pigi..hehehe

:::jillian de jill::: said...

library for me:
when the exam in the corner...
assignment to settle


expo produk halal..
bagus ye ada expo kat sana...
expo halal lagi...
siapa ya organizer?...
he he need to check later

malas nak campur... malas nak amik tau...
boleh tak?....

hurm... gini lah.. saya sbg rakyat..nak aman damai stabil...
yang dorang kat sana tuh... buat lah apa patut...keluar ke masuk... lompat parti ke... tak kisah... kerajaan kan terbentuk daripada bangkang dan sokong...