Wednesday, January 07, 2009

So many works yet so little time

Every time the new semester began, I will face the same old routine, preparing the course materials, the schedules, plus the clerical works. Even though I have already taught the subject for several times, I keep on updating the materials, the syllabus, the reference book, the presentation slides, new students assignments and project. You know lah kan, the IT technology evolving very fast. Even I myself feel boring to teach the student for the same thing for every semester. So, with some creativity (or too creative) and wishful thinking.. I thought, why don't I teach them this and that.. it is important for them to know this or that for their future. But at the end, kelang kabut kasi siap slides before class. Sadly not all students will appreciate your effort though. It's ok for me if they feel sleepy in my class (I have been in their shoe, the sleepyhead) but I can't tolerate chit chatting in my class. Disturbing bah. Normally I will stop teaching for seconds, and wait until they realize that their behavior have contribute to my silence. Then I will ask them to leave if they feel it is wasting their time to sit and listen to my lecture. Better do something useful lah kan.

Well, goes back to my tonnes of task... We are now preparing the Quality Assurance document for our program so that it can be accredited by the JPT - Jabatan Pengajian Tinggi. I need to compile the information about how to monitor and review the program's quality, and something about the leadearship, governance and administration. Now, you think the lecturers know about all this? Well, I thought the best person to do this is of course the Pegawai yg jaga maklumat skolah ni lah kan? In our case the Penolong Pendaftar. But nope, they gave this task to the lecturer. The due date is next Wednesday. Suka nya aku.. >:(

So, why I still have time to put those merapu in my blog? Alaaah.. lunch time bah, I need to clear up my head before continue the never ending task...

K gtg, it's 1.10 pm... bekeroncong pulak ni perut.. mamam time!

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